
「デイリーブレッド」で黙想:いろいろもやもや…(Meditating with "Our Daily Bread" - Not fully understood...)

Today I meditated with this.
Transformed Hearts

The scripture is:
Ezekiel 36:22-31

My thought hovers around the repentance and salvation and renewal.  What is this unfinished process?  The meditation text didn't give me a satisfactory answer, though its description of the basic structure of things seems OK.
私の考えは、悔い改め、救い、刷新の間をぐるぐるめぐっている。この終わることのないプロセスは一体何なのだろう? このテキストに書いてあることでその答えは見えてこない。ただ、事柄の基本的な構造の描写はちゃんとできてはいると思うのだけれど。

The problem?  You know, the Israelites here were already chosen people, and it means that they were to be renewed and sanctified and differentiated from other people.  And look, here we find Israelites judged just like other people and then given promise for renewal - again.  So what would this promise mean, if the previous one was fruitless because of the sin of Israelites?

Of course the main point is that all through this process, there is still the Sovereign God who wills the renewal of this land through the chosen people, and they are to begin again and again after failures, with the new beginning and a new heart as gift from God himself.  So it is not the great people that matters, but the great God working with terribly mediocre and so-so people that matters.

Then, the promise of renewal?  Is this temporary?  Will people go back simply to the past darkness after this, again and again, just as the history of the Church has shown?  Or will there be any alternative way that will lead to the flourishing of justice all over the world?


By the way, as I listen to both Japanese and English version, what is curious is the differences of expressions or styles of casual devotion between these two.  If you listen both of them, even if the contents of the texts are virtually the same, the tone of the voice, music used are in a sense very contrasting.  In English version, the music is rock with electric guitar and begin with robotized male voice, while Japanese version is with much lighter music with piano and strings and the narrator is a lady.  Both sounds natural to me - meaning that may represent how I understand Japanese and Americans pray.  We cannot go without culture yet it would be good to be somewhat conscious of that and to avoid making specific type a must.  We would be more fruitful if we are open to different types of cultural expressions of devotional spirit.

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