
J.S. バッハ作品のリンク


クラシック音楽へのおさそい~Blue Sky Label~ J.S.バッハ

ピティナピアノ曲事典 バッハ


おやすみバッハ ~心地よい眠りのための、バッハメドレー~
Naxos JapanのYouTubeサイトから。バッハってどんな感じだっけ?という方に、バッハの音楽のうち、穏やか系のものをあれこれ取りまとめた55分。


Bach Cantate BWV 4 & BWV 80 - Gesualdo Consort - Musica Amphion
J.S. Bach: Meine Seel erhebt den Herren, BWV 10 (Ton Koopmann, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir)
J.S. Bach: Cantata BWV 22 'Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe',La Divina Armonia o.l.v. Lorenzo Ghielmi Collegium Vocale der Salzburger Bachgesellschaft o.l.v. Albert Hartinger
Cantata no. 51 "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen!" Labadie/NewYorkPhil
Cantate Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott - BWV 101 Musica Amphion & Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam
Cantate Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben - BWV 102 Musica Amphion & Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam
Cantate Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (Actus Tragicus) BWV 106, Musica Amphion en Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam
J.S. Bach: Cantate Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind - BWV 153, Musica Amphion & Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam
J.S. Bach: Cantata BWV 159 'Seht wir geh'n hinauf gen Jerusalem', La Divina Armonia o.l.v. Lorenzo Ghielmi Collegium Vocale der Salzburger Bachgesellschaft o.l.v. Albert Hartinger

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Kantaten

・世俗カンタータ(宗教音楽ではないですね (*^^*))

Helmuth Rilling dirigiert Bach-Motetten (1990)
0:31 Fürchte dich nicht (BWV 228)
11:10 Komm, Jesu, komm (BWV 229)
20:00 Der Gerechte kommt um
25:00 Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn (BWV Anh. 159)
30:53 Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf (BWV 226)
39:45 O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht (BWV 118)
46:33 Jesu, meine Freude (BWV 227)
1:06:25 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (BWV 225)
1:20:08 Jachzet dem Herrn, alle Welt (BWV Anh. 160)
1:29:04 Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (BWV 230)

J.S. Bach: Motet BWV 225 'Singet dem Herrn' - Vocalconsort Berlin
J.S. Bach: Motet BWV 226 'Der Geist hilft...' - Vocalconsort Berlin
J.S. Bach: Motet BWV 227 'Jesu, meine Freude' - Vocalconsort Berlin
J.S. Bach: Motet BWV 229 'Komm, Jesu, komm' - Vocalconsort Berlin

Bach: Motet Fürchte dich nicht - BWV 228 Musica Amphion & Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam

Mass in B minor, BWV 232 Gilbert/NYP
Johann Sebastian Bach: Mis in b-klein, "Hohe Messe" BWV 232 Capella Amsterdam en Il Gardellino o.l.v. Daniel Reuss
J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor / RIAS Kammerchor, Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs (conductor)

J.S. Bach: Magnificat in E flat major, BWV 243a (Ton Koopmann, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra)

Bach: Matthäus Passion, BWV 244 - Ton Koopman - Coro y Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia
Passio Domini Nostri J.C. secundum Matthaeum BWV 244 - Nederlandse Bachvereniging, Kampen Boys Choir / Jos van Veldhoven

La Petite Bande - J.S. Bach - Johannes Passion BWV 245
J.S. Bach: Johannes Passion BWV 245 - Steven Cleobury / Choir of King's College
レコード会社Brilliant ClassicsのYouTube公式サイトにおそらくプロモーション用に載せられたもの。

J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, part 1/2 John Eliot Gardiner / Monteverdi Choir
J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, part 2/2 John Eliot Gardiner / Monteverdi Choir
J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio - Weihnachts-Oratorium (Full Album) - Martin Framig / Dresdner Kreutzchor & Philharmonie

Bach: Weihnachtsoratorium BWV 248 - Combattimento Consort Amsterdam / Jan Willem de Vriend
通常使われる"Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf preiset die Tage"で始まるものと異なる、"Tönet ihr Pauken, erschallet Trompeten"で始まる版による演奏にちょっとびっくり。

james kibbie - bach organ works


J.S. Bach - Toccata & Fugue in d-minor, BWV 565


バッハ:イギリス組曲全集(チェンバロ) BWV806-811 ラルフ・カークパトリック 1956年5月25日-6月9日録音
バッハ:フランス組曲全集(チェンバロ) BWV812-817 ラルフ・カークパトリック 1957年5月6日~12日録音
バッハ:パルティータ組曲全集(チェンバロ) BWV825-830 ラルフ・カークパトリック 1959年9月17日-19日録音

J.S. Bach: French Suites BWV 812-817, Suites 818-819 : Yuan Sheng (piano)
J.S. Bach: Complete Partitas BWV 825-830: Yuan Sheng (piano)

J.S. Bach: French Suites BWV 812-819, Pieter-Jan Belder (harpsichord)
J.S. Bach: 7 Toccatas BWV 910-916, Pieter-Jan Belder (harpsichord)
J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variations BWV 988, Pieter-Jan Belder

Ana Vidovic plays Prelude BWV 998 by J. S. Bach
Ana Vidovic plays Fugue BWV 998 by J. S. Bach
Ana Vidovic plays Allegro BWV 998 by J. S. Bach

J.S.Bach: Four Lute Suites. Paul Vondiziano, Guitar
Lute Suite #1 (BWV 996) (15:40): Prelude, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Bourree, Gigue.
Lute Suite #2 (BWV 997) (22:38): Prelude, Fugue, Sarabande, Gigue, Double.
Lute Suite #3 (BWV 995) (20:58): Prelude, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte-Gavotte en Rondeau, Gigue.
Lute Suite #4 (BWV 1006a) (16:14): Prelude, Loure, Gavotte en Rondeau, Menuet I-Menuet II, Bourree, Gigue.
J. S. Bach Lute Suite No 4 in E major, BWV 1006a George Svoboda

J.S. Bach: Sonatas and Partitas for Classical Guitar BWV 1001-6

J.S. Bach: 6 Suites for Cello Solo, BWV1007-1012 (Full Album) played by István Várdai
J.S. Bach Cello Suites: Jaap ter Linden
無伴奏チェロ組曲全集 (Vc)ヤーノシュ・シュタルケル 1963年~1965年録音
バッハ:無伴奏チェロ組曲・・・(Vc)フルニエ 1960年12月録音
バッハ:無伴奏チェロ組曲・・・(Vc)トルトゥリエ 1960年録音

Cello Suites 1 and 2 Carter Brey(vc)

ヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバ ソナタ
Bach: Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Keybord BWV 1027 - 1029 (Full Album) Montero & Boccaccio

J.S. Bach: Fluitsonate BWV 1030 - Musica ad Rhenum
J.S. Bach: Fluitsonate BWV 1033 - Musica ad Rhenum
J.S. Bach: Fluitsonate BWV 1035 - Musica ad Rhenum

J.S. Bach: Complete Concertos Vol. 1
J.S. Bach: Complete Concertos Vol. 2

Anne Akiko Meyers Bach Concerto No.1 A minor BWV 1041
Anne Akiko Meyers Bach Concerto No.2 in E Major BWV 1042
Anne Akiko Meyers Bach Double-Performs Both Parts
J.S. Bach: Violin Concertos: Thomas Zehetmair (violin), Amsterdam Bach Soloists

Violin Concerto nos. 1, 2, Orchestral Suites nos. 3, 4 - Labadie, Faust (vn)

Concerto in C minor for Oboe, Violin, and Strings: Gilbert/NYP, Batiashvili, Leleux

Bach: Brandenburg Concertos BWV 1046-1051 (Freiburger Barockorchester)
J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (Full Album) Musica Amphion
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (Orchestra Mozart, Claudio Abbado)
Bach - Brandenburg Concertos 1, 2 and 3- Consort Of London - Robert Haydon
Bach - Brandenburg Concertos 4, 5 and 6 - Consort Of London - Robert Haydon

Bach: Brandenburgs Concert no.3 - Ton Koopman
J.S. Bach: Brandenburgs Concert 2-5 - Hofkapelle München


バッハ:ハープシコード協奏曲第1番 ニ短調 BWV1052 カークパトリック(チェンバロ) バウムガルトナー指揮 ルツェルン祝祭管弦楽団 1958年9月〜23日録音
バッハ:ハープシコード協奏曲第2番 ホ長調 BWV1053 カークパトリック(チェンバロ) バウムガルトナー指揮 ルツェルン祝祭管弦楽団 1958年9月〜23日録音

Bach - Harpsichord Concerto no.3 in D major, BWV 1054 - Croatian Baroque Ensemble Croatian Baroque Ensemble

J. S. Bach. Harpsichord Concerto in f minor. BWV 1056 (I) (Allegro) / Ímpetus Madrid Baroque Ensemble - Yago Mahugo
J. S. Bach. Harpsichord Concerto in f minor. BWV 1056 (II y III) (Larghetto & Allegro) / Ímpetus Madrid Baroque Ensemble - Yago Mahugo


J.S. Bach: Oboenkonzert d-Moll (BWV 1059)∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ François Leleux ∙ Andrés Orozco-Estrada

Bach - Orchestral Suites No.1 to No.4 - Consort Of London - Robert Haydon Clark

Bach - Orchestral Suite no.1 in C Major, BWV 1066 - Ensemble Barrocade
J. S. Bach - Orchestral Suite No. 2 BWV 1067 / Orkiestra Historyczna
Bach - Orchestral Suite No 4 in D major BWV 1069 - Croatian Baroque Ensemble

Baroque Christmas Concert (Barbara Bonney, Matthias Goerne, Freiburger Barockorchester)
0:13 J.S. Bach: Concerto in D-Major, BWV 972, Allegro
2:20 J.S. Bach: "Wachet auf, ihr Adern und ihr Glieder", Cantata "Unser Mund sei voll des Lachens", BWV 110
6:21 J.S. Bach: "Nun seid Ihr wohl gerochen", Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
9:32 W.A. Mozart: "Et incarnatus est", Mass in C-minor, KV 427
17:36 J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248, Sinfonia
23:13 J.S. Bach: "Ehre sei Dir, Gott gesungen", Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
27:33 J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, "Herr dein Mitleid, dein Erbarmen"
35:05 Je me suis levé
37:50 In dulci Jubilo
42:30 J.S. Bach: "Großer Herr, o starker König", Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248,
47:24 G.F. Händel: "He shall feed his flock", Messiah
53:50 J.S. Bach: Air, Suite in D-Major, BVW 1068


Bruckner's Symphonies and other Works Online

Anton Bruckner: Sinfonie Nr. 6 | NDR - Günter Wand
Bruckner: 6. Sinfonie ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Christoph Eschenbach
Bruckner Symphony no. 6 Eschenbach NYPO
Bruckner: Sinfonia nº 6 - Dennis Russell Davies - Sinfonica de Galicia
Blomstedt dirigiert Haydn (nr. 104) und Bruckner (nr. 6) | NDR
Nagano | Bruckner: Sinfonie Nr. 6 A-Dur | SWR Symphonieorchester
Georg Tintner / Symphony No. 6 / Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic
Anton Bruckner - Symphony No. 8 in C minor (Pierre Boulez; Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra)
Sir Simon Rattle conducts the Australian World Orchestra, Bruckner Symphony No. 8 2015
Bruckner: Symphony nº 8 - Leif Segerstam - Sinfónica de Galicia
BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 8 in C minor (1890 NOWAK 2nd ver.) Singapore Symphony Orchestra | Lan Shui
Bruckner: Symphony No.8 in C minor, WAB108 (Nowak: 1890 version) / Eliahu INBAL / Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra
ブルックナー:交響曲第8番ハ短調 カール・シューリヒト指揮 ウィーンフィル 1963年12月9~12日録音
ブルックナー:交響曲第8番ハ短調 クナッパーツブッシュ指揮 ミュンヘンフィル 1963年1月録音
ブルックナー:交響曲第8番ハ短調 ヨッフム指揮 ベルリンフィル 1964年1月録音


OPM (Original Pilipino Music) sites

I may list some links for my own sake, or maybe for some others...

(From the website)
We are the number one independent record label in the Philippines. Home of the best Original Pilipino Music (OPM) artists, our roster includes Gary Valenciano, Regine Velasquez, Ogie Alcasid, Noel Cabangon, Christian Bautista, Gloc-9, Sam Concepcion, Parokya ni Edgar, Sponge Cola, Kamikazee, Calalily, and more.  Subscribe to our channel for exclusive videos including official music videos, lyric videos, album previews and album launch invitations!

PolyEast Records (YouTube)

(From the website)
...PolyEast Records is one of the top record companies in the Philippines. Headed by veterans in the music business, PolyEast's artists include top recording artists such as Martin Nievera, Bamboo, ZsaZsa Padilla, Kyla, Karylle, Zia Quizon, Sandwich, TJ Monterde, Joyce Pring, Josh Espinosa and Muriel. Subscribe to this channel to get first dibs on your favorite artists' music video teasers, official music videos, and album launch invitations.

Viva Records

(From the website)
Subscribe and watch Pinoy music at its best: Official music videos, live performances, exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes footage not seen anywhere else and more! Get your daily dose of everything popular and Pinoy. Lean back. Relax. Click. Enjoy!


(From the website)
...Everyday, Radio Republic uploads new videos of Filipino artists in many different forms. From interviews, to band performances, to behind the scenes, as well as shots taken from various musical events.   We give fans a front-row seat AND a backstage pass to the nation's best talents: from discovering up-and-coming acts to experiencing seasoned artists, if it’s Filipino, we’re there! We are a vibrant team of music & media professionals, formed to infuse the spirit of Music, the energy of Live Performances, and Filipino Lifestyles, into a Powerful Online Digital Media Platform.

ABS-CBN Starmusic

(From the website)
Star Records, Inc. leads the pack among record labels that produce music from the Philippines and distribute original Pilipino music worldwide.  Star Records, Inc., an ABS-CBN Entertainment Group company, leads the pack among record labels that produce music from the Philippines and distribute original Pilipino music worldwide. Our record as a leader in music from the Philippines has been phenomenal, including chartbusters from artists like Gary Valenciano, Erik Santos, Vina Morales, Sheryn Regis, Sandara Park, Lito Camo, Ai-Ai Delas Alas, Gloc-9, Yeng Constantino, and many more. Our current roster of original Pilipino music available on CDs at retail stores worldwide as well as fast digital downloads on iTunes, Amazon, and starrecords.ph, among many others, includes Toni Gonzaga, Piolo Pascual, Sam Milby, Miles, Juris, and more. Star

Ivory Music & Video

(From the Website)
Welcome to the channel of Ivory Music & Video, the exclusive licensee of Sony Music in the Philippines. Ivory Music is one of the biggest independent record companies in the Philippines and has been an active force in the industry for 3 decades. Ivory takes pride in having premiere local recording artists in its catalogue which includes: Asin, The Company, Pilita Corrales, Freddie Aguilar, Sampaguita, Florante, April Boy Regino, Orient Pearl, Wolfgang, Suy, Paolo Santos, Roselle Nava, Manilyn Reynes, and Thor among others. Ivory’s roster also includes the top acoustic recording group – MYMP, which achieved multi-platinum status. Current additions are Maja Salvador, Iza Calzado, Silent Sanctuary, Abra, JM De Guzman, Luke Mejares, Moonstar88, Jason Fernandez, Moira Dela Torre, Maxine Tiongson, Paullete, Gravity (from The Voice Kids PH) Ryan Christopher & more. Thank you for your continued support, enjoy the music.

Wish 107.5

(From the Website)
Wish 107.5 is an all-hits FM radio station in the Philippines. When it first hit the airwaves in August 2014, it promised to grant your fervent wish of making your radio more than a typical music-box-on-air.

Wish 107.5 unveiled the first and the only Mobile Radio Booth in the Philippines, now known as the WISH 107.5 Bus. Equipped with state-of-the-art broadcast facilities, it took the traditional radio experience beyond the four-walled booth as it brought music right where most of the listening public are -- streets, roads, and parks.

With the capabilities it offers, the Wish 107.5 Bus is on the right track in leaving an indelible mark in the music scene. The desire to bring this concept to more audience fuels the station to continue embarking on a journey that would forever change the course of music and radio broadcast history of the Philippines and the World, transforming itself from being a local FM station to becoming a sought-after WISHclusive gateway to the world.

Gary V TV
Famous Christian Singer's Official YouTube site.